9 February 2021

Allure [politics and poetics of moving bodies]

*Work in collaboration with Isabel de Naverán*
Video 2 channels, color, sound, 23:04 and 22:42 min

In this epistolary exchange between María García Ruiz and Isabel de Naverán, we will endeavor to think with gestures, between gestures, and, as Marie Bardet would say, to think as gesture. We know that the layout of spaces disciplines bodies, makes them move and behave in certain ways. Architecture is usually the police. For the choreography of power, the control of space is essential. But there are cracks in architecture, as in any discourse. What are the dissident gestures that slip in through those cracks? What kind of space do they produce? Between the fixing and movement of certain communities, where do we find the unattached rhythm, the pulse of life that resists being completely trapped? Where does the poetics of moving bodies reside?

Part 1: Dear Isabel (by María García Ruiz) *Just Spanish version available*


Part 2: Dear María (by Isabel de Naverán) *Just Spanish version available*


The first letter —Dear Isabel (by María García Ruiz)— from Allure [politics and poetics of moving bodies], is part of the ongoing research Camps. Displacements of Bodies at the Limits of Form that has been supported by the V Artistic Research Grant Fundación Banco Sabadell – Hangar in 2020 and that will take the form of an artist’s publication with Editorial Concreta.

The second letter —Dear María (by Isabel de Naverán)— from Allure [politics and poetics of moving bodies], makes use of the materials from the research Envoltura, historia y síncope, developed by De Naverán since 2016 from the exhibition of the case study 1930. En el Pacto de San Sebastián. Historia y síncope, conceived by the author at the invitation of and in dialogue with Pedro G. Romero, in the framework of the Peace Treaty project directed by the latter for the European Capital of Culture DSS 2016 EU. Since its inception Envoltura historia y síncope has developed in different phases and formats to become a performative conference that in 2021 will be published as a book by Caniche Editorial.
